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cassie rajotte
I built my
first 'business' at fourteen.
I know what you're thinking, so allow me to explain.
In 2005, I was given a copy of Photoshop that changed my life.* I fell down the rabbit hole that was MySpace, creating typography heavy graphics (quotes mostly) and coding layouts for teens like me. My designs quickly gained a following, and with a friend's help, we grew to over 5,000 followers and created more than 30 layouts.
This early venture ignited my passion for design. Fast forward to today,
and I've been a professional designer for eight years. I've had the opportunity to work for advertising agencies, a recruiting giant, and multiple fintech startups.
My main focus these days is helping brands shine across all touchpoints. I still keep that passion for learning and pushing myself to learn new tools and skills, including video editing, animation, and basic web development using Figma. Typography remains my bread and butter; I truly believe it is the backbone of any great design and effective visual communication.
When I'm not at the computer, I'm usually creating content for myself, browsing bookshelves for my next read, hoping to get over 20 days on my snowboard, getting puppy fever over every dog I see, or getting lost in the magic of a new town or city.
*slightly dramatic for effect

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